ETH Zurich


Not only banks

Zurich is the capital of the canton of the same name and with around 423,500 inhabitants (as of November 2017) is the largest city in Switzerland, as many suburbs are incorporated. In 2008, Zurich was named the city with the world's best quality of life for the seventh year in succession.

Zurich is much more than a boring banking city. For some time now, the city has led the list of the most livable cities, but also the list of the most expensive cities in the world. The leisure offer is huge and there are many parks and green areas. The infrastructure and public transport are well developed. But it is the inhabitants themselves who contribute most to the quality of life. Zurich is a cosmopolitan, fun-loving and festive people. There is hardly a weekend in summer without a small or large party in one of the districts. Zurich's reputation as a cosmopolitan and tolerant cosmopolitan city is cemented with the annual Street Parade, which attracts one million visitors from Switzerland and abroad. More and more international corporations are relocating their European or headquarters to Zurich, attracting more and more foreign workers to Zurich who take on jobs for which Swiss workers are no longer available. As a result, the city is bursting at the seams and a real construction boom has broken out. Old industrial quarters in Zurich North and West were and are being converted into residential areas. Architects and urban planners have been able to really let off steam and the result is remarkable. The way in which this has been done has attracted international attention. Since then, not only tourists but also architects from all over the world have flocked to the 'Limmatstadt', as Zurich is also called. Zurich has something to offer for everyone. is a showcase of the most beautiful places in the world. From North to South, from West to East. Beautiful Places in nature and urban environments. Get inspired!